the term of the lease the leasehold property of course reverts
to the lessor.
I should also like to remind the distinguished representative that althougn legislative measures of the New Zealand Parliament are still theoretically subject to the refusal of assent
by the Crown and,

until fairly recently the Parliament was in-

competent to legislate on certain reserved subjects and enact-

ments, no-one suggested that because of this the New Zealand
Parliament has, or had, no legislative powers,

Perhaps British

Constitutional Law is not so rigid in its definitions on this
poin: as are some Continental systems of law.

In any case full

sovereignty in the Legislztive assembly would surely be logically
incompaticole with the Trust status of the Territory.
I should like to assure the distinguished representative of

wucsR. that the Administering Authority is at one with him

in its desire to see ‘Jestern Samoa a strong self-governing state.
This is clear from the Prime Minister's statement.
At times I
find I cannot agree with the distinguished representative's
arbitrary selection and interpretation of fact,
refer him,

I should like to

to save time, to the relevant parts of this


and of my answers to vericus questicns for details about Samoans
in the Public Service and about the powers of the Legislative
I know that he will be pleased to hear that the assembly
which he considers "unrepresentative and undemocratic" appears
to enjoy the complete confidence of the veople in the Territory
and that in the new Legislature the proportion of Samoan to Buropean members is sure to be greatly increased.
i agree with the distinguished representative of the Soviet
Union that the Administering Authority should avoid consecrating,
or bolstering up, the matai system in such a way as to impede
future progress.

This is the main reason, of course, why it was

decided not to recognize the judicial powers of traditional
bodies - although in this the Administering Authority appears
not to see eye to eye with the distinguished representative of


The Administering Authority constantly holds before the
Samoan people the advantages of new farms of political representation and of economic organization,

In fact, various govern-

ment officials have incurred at times a certain amount of sus-


picion from Samoans for the zeal with which they have preached
this gospel. But we will persevere, although so many Samoans insist that their form of-society is far more truly democratic
in spirit and fact than are other systems

which claim that noble




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