

in this Council on the 25th of June 1954.

This statement, I

feel, shows more clearly than do the Annual Report and the
figures quoted by the distinguished representative wnat progress has already been made towards self~administration for Samoa.
The distinguished representative of Syria considered, as
did the distinguished representative of India, that political
power should penetrate further into Samoan society.

But, 2s

the distinguished representative of Syria so wisely remarked
in his interesting statement yesterday, those improvenents
and reforms which would seem to be in the best interest of the
people of the Territory must not be forced upon the Samoans.
This is the attitude of the Administering authority exactly especially in relation to land tenure where the distinguished

representative shrewdly implied there might be resistance.
The Samoans are well aware that the Administering authority has
under the Trusteeship agreement undertaken to respect their

Ten years of /co-operation followed the lest efforts.

made by the Administering Authority to go fester in this field
than the Samoans thought warranted.

The happy mean must be

assiduously pursued, although this is constantly modified as
circumstances change.

I was pleased to find that the distinguished representative
of Syria, in his suggestions as to what must now be done, followed so closely the main projeets outlined in the Prime Minister's statement and High Commissioner's address in March of
last year, most of which are now receiving active attention.

Vith regard to land alienation in ‘vestern Samoa, I should
remind the distinguished representative that the current legal
conditions governing alienation of Samoan land are shown not on
page 78 of the Annual Report but on page 81.

Although no lawyer,

I am appreciative of the distinguished representative's com-

mentary on real rights created by leases under Roman Law.


hasten to assure him, however, that under the English system of
which applies in the Territory

law/a 40-year lease in Samoa creates no rights of assignment or


of sub-letting, user, renewal or compensation apart from those
specifically given in the instrument of lease.


At the end of


Select target paragraph3