- 27 field operation is not theproper forum to pursue debates and discuss
issues between individual scientists where there can be no early resolution.
This would be disruptive and devisive for those conducting cleanup.


hypotheses of Drs. Martell, Geesaman, Tamplin and Cochran are subjects for

proper scientific debate.

This is best conducted through the medium of

technical journals and scientific meetings, not in day-to-day deliberations

at Enewetak Atoll.
Page 17, lines 12-19 - "Test Plantings, Groundwater _and Air Sampling
We are in full agreement with the AEC Task Group recommendations for test

plantings, lens water and air sampling.
(Vol. I., pp.
But it is not clear whether these recommendations have
They must be and the studies should be commissioned to
and technicians available, under the over-all guidance
Task Group. All of these studies must deal explicitly

5-80 to 5-81).
been implemented.
the best scientists
of the enlarged
with the hot particle

All of the recommendations referred to here have been

implemented and either are or soon will be underway.

Additional information

per these specific projects are appended.
It is not clear how the lens water and test plantings projects are

“to deal explicitly with the hot particle problem."

Plutonium analyses will

be performed routinely, but "hot particle" analyses is not contemplated in
these studies.

Characterization of resuspended particles will be conducted

as a part of the air sampling project, however.
Page 17, line 20 to Page 18, line 8 - *'Radiobiological Health Followup
AEC Task Group recommendation 12 (Vg@l. 1, p. 5-81) calls for ‘Baseline
surveys of body burdens and urine content of Cs-137 and Sr-90...for the
Enewetak people prior to return to Enewetak Atoll, and periodically thereafter.' But here, too, it is not clear whether a firm commitment to long-

range radiological health monitoring of the Enwetak population has been

made, and, if so, precise:y how it will be implemented,
"A fully adequate radiological health program must be designed,


and implemented. It can and should include the people of Bikini, who will
one day soon be resettled, the exposure victims at Rongelap and Utirik Atolls
and the Enewetak people.
“The final impact statement should address this question and state
clearly whether such a program is planned and what it will include."

Select target paragraph3