~ 28 -

Comments: Provision for periodic radiological health monitoring of
the Enewetak population, including analyses for strontium, cesium and
plutonium, has already been arranged.

Page 18, lines 8-10 - "It too must deal with the health effects of
hot particles and all forms of low level radiation,with emphasis on internal
Comments: It is not clear whether "Tt" refers to the Final Statement
or to the radiological health monitoring program to be established.

If the

former, the issue is discussed in our response to the comments of Drs. Martell,
Tamplin and Geesaman,

If the latter, it is a very unrealistic request.

To identify any possible health effect in a very small population resulting
from extremely low levels of respirable particles, which may or may not

be present, of questionable significance even in controlled laboratory
environments would be nearly impossible.

Criteria justifying the initiation

of any controlled epidemiologically and radiologically valid study are not

Studies of "the health effects of hot particles and all forms of

low level radiation" have not yet been completed in laboratories; it is not
realistic to expect to study them in the population under discussion,
To study any relationship between morbidity or mortality and the anticipated
levels of exposure to radiation is a considerably different situation from
monitoring the people to ascertain thelevels of internal emitters to which

they are exposed.

The latter will be done, as stated above, but there is

no intention of the former.
Page 22, lines 19-23 - "But at the same time all of the radiological
investigations recommended here should be undertaken and high confidence

results obtained as soon as possible so that they can be used to revise
and improve the radiological cleanup phase before moving forward with it."


Select target paragraph3