~ 26 achieved among the Federal agencies.*

The health risk associated with

exposure at the level of the FRC standards is known to be very low and

considered acceptable for the general public, but this risk may not be

No guarantee can be given that those who return to Enewetak will

experience zero

ill effects from radiation received; however, we do not

expect to see any such effects.
An assessment of the relation of soil removal to dose reduction
is discussed in the DEIS, Vol. II, Section 13, pp. 8-14.
Page 16,

line 25 to page 17, line 11 - "Radiological Monitoring of

Cleanup The AEC Task Group has wisely recommended the establishment of
"team of experts’ to monitor the execution of the radiological cleanup
phase of the program.
(DELS, Vol. I, pp. 5-79, 6-5)
Even if the Task
Group is enlarged as we have suggested and specific soil standards are
developed and implemented, this monitoring group will perform a crucial


Thus, it is important that its membership be carefully selected.

It is imperative that radioscientists of the most conservative cast be

included in the monitoring group.

Here again, we suggest that the names

of Drs. Martell, Geesaman, Tamplin and Cochran.

"And the on-site authority of the monitoring group should be clearly
defined, with all important or unexpected problems to be referred to the
enlarged Task Group."

The scientific approach used in development of radiation

protection standards and practices is inherently conservative.

Tha basic

standards of the FRC, which according to law must be implemented by Federal
agencies, are in themselves conservative.

Recommendations by the AEC Task

Group contain additional safety factors and provisions for checking the
effectiveness of remedial actions and restructions.

Application of these

recommendations by those of the most conservative cast might well lead to
actions based on no standards at all. In our opinion, the Enewetak cleanup
*A situation can easily be envisioned in which in order to obtain the
level of cleanup desired, an island might essentially have to be scraped


Whether or not such requirements benefit anyone is debatable.

Select target paragraph3