
Plutonium and 9°Sr Data Base.

McClellen Laboratory completed the

30Sr and plutonium analysis of the Enewetak Atoll! soll samples.

However, before they could begin to analyze the vegetation samples,
thelr "mission work'' was Increased and they had to terminate their
support of our project. As a result, we have not been able to develop
our data base on concentration and correlation factors for the two
radionuclides. Currently, we are trying to coordinate and establish
wet chemistry analytical support with other organizations to complete
the analysts and evaluate the uptake and potential doses for atl major
radionuclides found at the atolls.

Effect of Fertilizer on '37Cs Uptake. We have initially
evaluated the impact of fertilizer on the uptake of 437cs tnto the

Jeaves and fronds of pandanus and coconut. Preliminary data show the
average uptake tn coconut fronds to be 67 pCi/g + 75% for hot soll

without fertilizer and 22 pCi/g + 50% for hot soll with fertilizer.
These early results are significant and indicate that a fertilizer
program may indeed reduce the uptake of 137¢s.

available for 9°SR and plutonium.

No data are yet

Radionuclide Residence Time. We have continued our sampling of
_ coconut and pandanus trees on other islands at Enewetak Atoll to
evaluate the residence time of radionuclides In the atol! environment.

The data for !13’¢s appear to Indicate a residence time significantly

less than 30 y, but seasonal fluctuations need to be determined in order
to make an exact interpretation.

Engebi Istand Studies. Our studies on Engebi Island have been
directed toward determining the cycling mechanisms of radionuctides in
the atoll environment. We have collected nearly 2 y of data from
several tocations on the island, including radionuctide concentrations
in various compartments, canopy growth, rate of litter productton and
litter decay, leaching of radionuctides from each compartment, and

radionucltde residence times.



However, in August, 1977, without

consulting any of the ongoing programs, the military and DOE teams
bulldozed and completely denuded Engebi Island of all vegetation other
than our test plots. All of the long-term follow-up sites were
destroyed. Now we can only sainple the vegetation which reestablishes
itself to see If the clearing procedure produced any major changes in
the radionuclide concentr=tions and evaluate the potential of the new
trees as part of our long-term cycling and residence time studies.
Comparison of Radionuclide Resuspension on Engebi and Bikini


The clearing of Engebi Island does offer the opportunity to

evaluate and compare the resuspension process on this denuded island
with Bikini Island which Is well vegetated. Such clearing will occur

on many islands as housing Is built and subsistence and cash crops are

Planted. We belleve that a siqnificant Increase In radionuclide
resuspension may be seen for the first several years after the [siand
is cleared. Depending on the avallabitity of support for Marshall

Select target paragraph3