

Island research (e.g., boat support), we will field a resuspension

study on Engebi Island late this fiscal year or in FY 1979.


Distributton of '37cs.
In addition to the data presented itn the
publication list, we completed the evaluation of 137Cs distribution in
the canopy, small wood, trunk, roots, and litter of the major trees on
Engebi !sland. The leaves contained about 20% of the activity fn the
entire plant; wood less than 2.5 cm in diameter, 20%; wood between 2.5

under the canopy.


and 7.5 cm in diameter, 102; and wood greater than 7.5 cm in diameter,
35%. Dead wood contained the remaining 15% of activity. The total
activity in the tree was only 6% of that contained in the soil columr

Our evaluation of the litter revealed that !5’Cs js

leached rapidly from fresh litter and Is bound into the organified
fraction of the soil.
tn this form, the !37¢s is again available ‘o.
recycling into the growing vegetation. The canopy and litter are
therefore crucial steps in the cycling of radionuclides.




Soil Moisture and Water Flow. As a result of the clearing of
Engebi Island, we lost most of oar sensors and monitors of soil
moisture and water flow in the soit! column. The water flow in the soil
column and the seasonal changes In soil moisture are most [mportant in
evaluating the availability, uptake, and cycling of radionuclides in


to obtain these data.


the atoll ecosystem.


We will reestablish the necessary field equipment



Bikini Atoll


We will maintain the test gardens and evaluate the uptake and
concentration factors for the subsistence crops on Eneu Island. During
this year, we wil! generate a data base sufficient to refine the

initial dose estimates for Eneu fsland developed from the 1975 survey.

In addition, the data from our initial resuspension experiment on
the atoll! wil? be evaluated. We plan to field a follow-up experiment
to provide the final data base for developing the general! resuspension
model and. for refining the dose assessments via the inhalation pathway.
We also will take advantage of our presence on the atoll to collect
more data on the uptake, concentration, and time-dependence of

radionuclides in the pandanus fruit which wilt be maturing on Bikini

Island. Next to breadfruit, pandanus is the subsistence crop for which
there is the least available data. The subsistence crops on Bikini
island will continue to be used as permanent sampling stations to help
evaluate the time-dependence of radionuctide removal from the Bikini


Because Bikini and Eneu Islands are much less disturbed than the

Enewetak Atoll, we will initiate studies of soil-water movement and the
soil-water availability to plants on Bikini Atoll. Knowledge of the




Select target paragraph3