
Transuranic Resuspension Studies. Resuspension studies are beire
formulated to determine the potential dose from transuranics to
residing populations via the Inhalation pathway and will be initiated

in April and May 1978.

The basic program will consist of air sampling

with super high-volume samplers,
personal samplers, and a variety
develop a basic understanding of
ecosystem, to evaluate the major
marine or terrestrial

standard high-volume samplers,
of other samplers. Our goals are to
the resuspension process in the ato)!
source of observed mass-loading (i.e.,

in origin), and to develop a resuspension mode}

that can be applied to other [slands and atolls.

Radionuclide Content of Coconut Products.

In FY 1978, we will

begin our analysis of the cocdnut ofl] and dried pulp (processed at the
Majuro plant) obtained from coconuts grown on Bikini Island and from
those grown on other uncontaminated atolls. We must determine whether

the 13/cs and 9°Sr appear in the coconut of] or whether the

radionuclides remain in the dried pulp. The coconut crop from Bikini
Atoll could presently double the output of copra from the Marshall
islands. The dried pulp is sold on the world market as a major feed
for livestock and the sale of coconut of! offsets the cost of plantinc,
harvesting, transporting, and processing the coconut at Majuro. Thus
the profit for the Marshall Islands and its people comes from the sale
of the dried pulp for feed.
[It Is critically important to evaluate an*
understand the distribution of radionuclides In the coconut products
and to assess the impact of such coconut pulp sales on the wor! dwide
dose to man.
Dietary Intake of Plutonium.
Initially, we had planned to
the dietary intake of
analyze native food samples to
levels and body burdens of
plutonium and compare
plutonium observed by the medical program in the islands. However,

when we visited the islands (November 1977) to initiate this study, the
Trust Territory Government had just started a massive food subsidy

program. Sufficient food is being shipped in to supply the entire diet
and no locally grown food is to be eaten. We are now attempting to
determine whether any significant data can yet be obtained to help
interpret previous data at Bikini

Island and whether some locally grow

food products (e.g., coconut) will still be used and therefore lead to

en wos

continued plutonium intake via diet.
will be made this year.

Final decisions on this study

Enewetak Atoll]

Enewetak Test Gardens.

At Enewetak Atoll, we have continued tc

develop the test plots whicn were initiated in August 1975.

We have

collected considerable 137Cs data on the annual crops (papaya, banana,

and sweet potato).

Many samples from these test plots are presently

being processed for analysis and, by the end of this fiscal year, vé

should have a data base of concentration factors for the three crops.

Select target paragraph3