
Several of these reports will be completed this year; the remainder
(and some not listed above) will be nearly finished in FY 1979.
During November 1977, we resampled ground and cistern water at
Bikini to evaluate the environmental residence times of several


The main supplies of cistern drinking water were

contaminated with coliform bactecia. This was reported hastily to DBER
and Trust Territory officials, who will have health officers investigate
the source of contamination. Air samplers were established and operated
on the ocean reef at Bikini and Eneu Islands. This effort was motivated
by our inability to explain reasonably the higher-than-fal lout
plutonium concentrations in Bikini cistern waters and on the catchment

roofs supplying the cisterns. We must determine if the higher
concentrations result from airborne plutonium particulates injected into
the atmosphere as marine aerosol aggregates by wind and wave action on
the ocean reef. Water and suspended material were also collected from
the reef near the air samplers for comparative anlaysis. The samples
are still being analyzed.
Our planned trip to Enewetak In January 1978 was cancelled because
storm damage now limits site operations; the trip is rescheduled for

March 1978.


The WHO! joint cruise to the equatorial Pacific currently is
scheduled for 18 June to 13 July 1978. Sampling locations are
established and are concentrated along the trajectories of the major
fallout clouds so we can study the history of down-wind, down-current
distributions of the close-in fallout. A major water sampling program
is planned and more samples than one laboratory can handle adequately
will be collected for analysis. Water from closely spaced depths off
the bottom will be analyzed to determine if remobilization from bottom
sediments is occurring. These results should benefit evaluations of
any disposal procedures for radioactive wastes into the deep ocean. A
number of sediment cores will provide data on redistribution processes
of surface-deposited, close-in fallout debris. Manganese nodules,
plentiful in certain regions that received high levels of close-in

fallout, will be collected for anlaysis to determine if fallout

radionuclides were Incorporated in the nodules. This study should
provide significant information about the growth rates and processes

of these deep sea nodules.


Our recent data from fish show a large discrepancy with the result
reported on plutonium in fish during the 1972-1973 survey. We believe

a large part of the discrepancy was in the analyses because water and
other samples analyzed since 1973 show little temporal variations.
Our plutonium concentrations in fish are significantly lower than the

reported 1973 levels and are being used to update dose estimates to

populations using the marine food pathway. However, to ensure that our
results are representative of concentrations and doses that can be



Select target paragraph3