
expected to pass to man via the marine food pathway, verification is
required. We will first sample mullet again from the same islands

sampled in 1976 during a different season.

The fish will be dissected

Into tissues as before and analyzed for plutonium and other radionuclides
to assess-any changes in concentration that might have occurred during
the intervening years. At two islands where fish are plentiful, a

large variety of reef fish will be caught for analysis to insure that

concentrations in mullet are representative of other edible species. As
stated previously, it is impossible to analyze samples of the 600
species of fish In the Marshall [Islands from all islands of the atolls.
Thus we must restrict our evaluation to data generated From analysis of
the most representative species available.

In addition, 2 4lam levels

will be evaluated carefully to provide a complete transuranic assessment
in marine food products.
We will continue experiments to evaluate the generation of marine
plutonium=labelled organic particulates resuspended by wind and wave
action on the ocean-side reef at the atolls. Although no data were
available for evaluation during a recent private conversation with a
knowledgeable DOE representative, it was not at all encouraging to learn
that a similar resuspension process might be generating small quantities

of airborne marine plutonium aerosols at some coastal regions near

Windscale. Because there are few regions in the world contaminated with
levels of plutonium sufficiently high to be measured precisely, a
continuation of this study in the Marshall Islands is essential. Any
positive results will require carefule evaluation.
We have
Enewetak but,
more detailed
sites. These

terminated sampling at some of the groundwater sites on
at the same time, are redirecting our efforts toward a
assessment of the groundwater processes at our remaining
include wells and locations containing usable freshwater

as well as sites related to the agricultural experiments on Janet Island.

This spring, storms permitting, we will drill additional test wells on
Janet to perform hydrologic tests and measurements on the wells Including
dynamic pump tests, tidal response measurements, dye Injections, and
detailed sampling in these and our other wells for chemical and
radionuclide analysis. Soil from the well sites will be separated into
size fractions and equilibrated with water to determine the distribution
coefficients for plutonium and other radionuclides between the solid
and solution phases.

The purpose of these latter experiments is to

evaluate the amount of plutonium that is selectively mobilized to
solution from different soil types.

When ship support is available for Bikini, we will continue the
studies begun in- FY 1978. We also hope to initiate similar groundwater
Studies at Rongelap if ship support is available. Dye studies provided
an estimate of the rate of groundwater movement that varies throughout
the island and changes with season. Radionuclide groundwater
concentrations are more variable at Bikini, but the reasons for these
variations are not yet understood. Additional temporal experiments are
needed to evaluate the radionuclide dynamics in the water.

Select target paragraph3