
concentration factor for plutonium in fish muscle ts similar

at both atolls. Thus plutonfum concentrations determined in
fish at one atoll can be used to predict levels at other
“ atolls.

Gamma-Emitting Radionuclide Concentrations tn the Reef Fish,
Mullet, from Enewetak and Bikini. We describe radionuclide
concentrations, other than the transuranics, in fish tissue
at the atolls. Bikini mullet have higher !1377Cs levels
associated with muscle tissue than average values found for
Enewetak fish. The mean ®°Co levels in muscle tissue of fish
from both atolls is similar, and the highest concentrations
are associated with reproductive organs.
!n addition, 2°7Bi
levels in Enewetak fish exceed those in comparable fish tissue

at Bikini, whereas levels of !92"Rh above detection limits are

found in fish from the Islands of Enidrik and lroij of the
Bikini Atoll.

Residence Time of Radionuclides in the Groundwater of Enewetak
Results are summarized on the rates of radionuclide


recharge and migration in the groundwater at islands of
Enewetak Atoll. The chemical characteristics of plutonium
remobilized to groundwater solution are different from those
of plutonium found in solution in the lagoon.

Radionuclides at Pacific Atolls - Concentrations in the
Sedimentary Components and Benthic Organisms at Enewetak and
Bikini. We report on al] available radionuclide data for
sediment cores, surface sediments, and benthic organisms.
Much of the data presented in our report for the forthcoming
DOE publication Transuranic Elements in the Environment (see


13) were derived from this document.

An_Improved Thiocyanate Anion-Exchange Procedure for the
Separation ofAmericium from the Rare Earths. We describe a

pressurized separation procedure developed in 1977 that

requires less than 2 h to purify. americium from 10 to 50 mg of
rare earths with an average recovery greater than 90%.

Assessment of Potential Dose toPopulations from the
Transuranic Radionuclides at Enewetak Atoll. This is an
expanded report of an assessment requested by DBER in 1977
and written with W. Robison and W. Phillips, describing the
expected transuranic doses to population from the various
pathways at the atolls.

Data from our work on plutonium

concentrations In mullet at Bikini and Enewetak Atolls were
‘used to evaluate the potential dose via the marine foodchain.
As a result of a more detailed andcareful analysis, computed

plutonium doses from the marine food chain were revised to well
below the levels established during the 1972 radiological


Select target paragraph3