this will require an individual with considerable innovativeness and mechanical, electrical and carpentry skills.


the assistant laboratory manager will be able to assist him at
times when there is not a heavy demand by visiting scientists,
the laboratory manager must devote himself fully to providins
research facilitation to visiting investigators.

Both indi-

viduals must be responsible for the paperwork involved in their
portion of the operation.
Since it is wmlikely that one person will have the overall

knowledge and skills to perform all the maintenance and repairs,

man year is included for emergency specialized repairs.

Such a person could be sent out to cover vacation periods of the
full-time person.
At this time it is difficult to foresee how best to plan
for this portion of the operation, and we will benefit from our

initial efforts in 1980.

We have tried to identify and budget

for exigencies as we understand them now.

Relation of MPML to Other Projects:


During FY 1977 and FY 1978, MPML activities have coordinated with
sevaral other major DOE-sponsored activities at Enewetak.


among these are:


Hydrogeochemistry of Enewetak Atoll (U.H. and LLL).

‘Dr. Robert

Buddemeier is the scientist in charge.


Enjebi farm project (LLL).
in charge.

Dr. William Robison is the scientist

Select target paragraph3