
Enewetak/Bikini ciguatoxic fish surveys (U.H.).

This program

terminated in FY 1977.


Marshall Island Research Vessel Program (PASO).

Since the Liktanur

is no longer available, programs are being supported by the use of

Trust Territory ships to the extent possible and PASO is working on


obtaining a replacement vessel.

Enewetak Lagoon Circulation Study (U.H.).

Drs. Stephen Smith

and Richard Stroup are the scientists in charge.


Progress in FY 1977 and FY 1978.

Laboratory operation has continued on a year-round basis.


January, 1978, the laboratory moved to the former Coast Guard facility
at the north end of Enewetak Island.
Guard buildings is under way.

Renovation of the former Coast

It was not completed at the time of

the move due to storms in December, 1977 and January, 1978.

We will

be fully operational by mid-March, 1978.


In addition to the resident laboratory manager and assistant, there
is a resident technical assistant funded through LLL to work on the
Enjebi farm program.


Upgrading of supplies, equipment, the library, and the biological
reference collection continues.


Two audio-visual slide shows have been completed.

The first entitled

"The Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory ~- 1978" provides an account of the
operations of MPML since its inception.

The second show entitled

"Enewetak Atoll ~- its Natural History" was developed as a service to
the Defense Nuclear Agency.


MPML personnel will continue to provide advice and information as it
relates to conservation at Enewetak and the Marshall Islands, general

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