in the laboratory are possible.

Although most natural

resources are in short supply,atolls do have extensive shallow

water areas with lots of sunshine.

These areas should be ideal

nursery grounds for growing clams.

The research would involve

developing techniques for a form of mariculture particularly
well suited for the atoll environment.


Facilities Maintenance Engineer

The FY 80 budget reflects a new position: a Facilities
Maintenance Engineer.

The justification for this position is

based on the need for a full time person to maintain the MPML
facilities following the departure of all other personnel upon

the completion of the clean-up in mid-1980.

The salary figure

_is based on recommendations from Mr. Roger Loftfield of Holmes
and Narver.

He does not believe a competent man with the

necessary skills can be gotten for less.

We have requested

-75 man years in 1980 on the basis that he will need 3 months
to familiarize himself with the MPML facility before maintaining
it on a fully operational self-sustaining basis.
Major operations will be the fueling maintenance of the
generators, the effective maintenance and use of the water-

catchment and cistern system, the upkeep and periodic use of a

back-up fresh water supply system, routine maintenance of air
conditioners, pumps, drying ovens, boats and motors, and a



To these tasks must be added maintenance, including

corrosion control, and minor repair of the buildings.


Select target paragraph3