alone" capability of MPML after 1980.

Furthermore, it will

constitute a savings in the budget which will be an increasingly important matter.


Research Associate
The Research Associate position was included in previous
budgets but has not been funded.
included in the present proposal.

The position is again
The justification for this

position is to provide the MPML with the capability for carrying out in-house research in areas which are especially
relevant to the needs of the Marshallese people.

We wish to

be responsive to their needs.
The position would be at a postdoctoral level and would be
- advertised nationally.

Examples of the types of vesearch the Research

Associate would pursue are as follows: (1) Using sonic tagging
techniques, the population dynamics of certain important food
fishes, such as mullet, would be studied.

Since mullet have

been found to contain radioactivity, it is important to know
the integrity of local populations and the extent of their movements.

Similar data would be obtained for other species such as

certain acanthurids and scarids (surgeon and parrot fishes)
which are also important food species.

This work would be

closely coordinated with the University of Washington.

(2) Giant

clams of the genera Tridaena and Hippopus provide both food and
valuable shells.

The shells are prized as decorations.


it has been demonstrated that spawning can be induced experimen-

tally and successful settling of the larvae and subsequent growth

Select target paragraph3