
Introd: ction

FoLLowince THE Detonation of a nuclear des ie
at the Pacifie Proving ¢rreund uo the Spring of
1954, 28 Americans and

39 Marshallese were

exposed to fallout radiations Sixty-four «1
the Marshallese on Rongelay atoll i Crrouyp. I
received anestimated 175 of camma radiation
as measured in air; 1s Marshaliese on Adding

inae atoll (Group [7 received (0 or. 25 Amer
‘ans on Rongerk atoll Crroupe EEL) received 7

r.: and 157 Marshallese oF [ror k atoll Grouy
1V) received 14 r Det riled ustory of the

event.as wellasclinveal ar i taternad contamina

tion findings are reported respectively a1 Chap
ters I, TT and V. Thos chapter presents the
hematological findings 1 the exposed indis ie
uals during the first 1] weekscat 6 months. ina

ut 12 months after -apos:re
Since it is gener:lly agreed shat the degree
of change in the formed +lements of the bloou

is the most useful «mica index of the -everits
of radiation damage, per pberal blood changes
were relied upon as a maior ii mi evaluating
the degree of radiation tijues i eich exposed
individual. In adeattion hanges in the mean

blood counts of the exposec groups were fol
lowed closely to aid ui evaluating the changing
status and probable proguesix of the exposed
groups. Therefore emynasi- vas plieed on

standardized systeriati: erial determurutt.ons
in order that indivienar acd zroap trends could
be evalunted adequitels
Mn GE was Heres

sary to observe the large ramber of exposed
individuals at frequent
itervaiis, the nuniber
of different procedt res toat could be done was

necessarily limited.

Determinations emploved

were chosen au the basts of Knows clinical value,
and ease and rapidity sara sv hien they could be
done reliably under fell aborarory conditions
Accordingly cone datic
broehen: ont
studies were omitte |
An extensive literatur
tologic effect of rac iatia

eviest oon the ema
These deta inet ttis

defer dties attendant on comparing them with
tee resent resuits are discussed later in this




asctaregesar ExasaNations PNcLUDED total

reatrophile, lymphocyte and plateoots, and hematocrit deterninations.

Poikoo ste.


Whenever possible. am entire exposure group
ootierea oto single day with 2 days oc-


cequired to complete the larger


tapillirs blood. usuatly obtained from the

ni ver ond turels from the heel or ear was used.
fe pipettes were filled for beth the leukocyte
WG oiatelet counts. From each pipette a
sig hemocytometer chamber was filled. AL
popetfes were rotated fur To minutes, and the
eile vere allowed to settle for LO minutes in the
atieespometer: hamber before counting. A 3
pereer to aeetie wid diluting: fluid was used for
‘etal dew coevte Ounts. The blood was diluted
sth loypereesnt ummonium oxalate for platelet
cunts dad ceurted in flat bottom hemocytemrrors

sing a dark phase contrast microscope
Peo olood smears were made using a

‘aver one glass slide for spreading. One
ood Smrend owas fixed ane methyl alcohol. The
wher aos tamed by Wright's method, from


teeter] differential count was made.


were performed using heparinized


One end of the capillary tube

caste use led and the tube was centrifuged in






for 3

hyd Pps

I.very effort was made to maintain uniform

Pooeeqaires in every phase of the laboratory

Che number of personnel changes fora

woveroproc)editire was held toa miinimluni: perce cr

tas blood frome a single puncture

Select target paragraph3