Pyknosis of ceds

f he basal aver was

monly seen.
malpighian ang faisa

Calls deden





ho-cme cases, No damage to fibroeytes or col42P 1) TOePS Was Tored

aie a te

Senne se ttesm— ith und Sth seeceks poxt-etwun
Rydermex, Ti general, reparative
urocesses of the epidermis had proceeded, except
‘or few persistent areas of atrophy with nar-

dbsorganmiation at
davers was usuaiiy poe.

ent in the mor: extecsevels

(Plate 25)




frequentiv present toreughout the epideren,
and intercellular pigment vas noted on sortie
sections. The stratun. grandlosnm: was usuails
atrophie or ever absent
Eniperfeet kerati :2u
tion with parahkeratosis was visible an ale

tions. The strarum correum was loosely Sher

‘owing of the epidernus and finger-like downerowths of the stratum malpighi (Plate 27).
Vhese c1anges occurred in areas of the greatest

uuirow ng ef the stratum granulosum. In such

lated and hyperkeratoti

The arcades of minimal damage were usnails
found in areas where soveat duets appro |e
the epidermis Plate 2:
There was an op
parent increase i che naumeer of ceds qd t
totic figures along toe aeck of the duets i

the adjoimmg ireas where regenerator
underway. In hese ireas che stratum: gris
losum appearec: almost normal on wiath
contrast to the more severely daraaged area

where pigment was noreased. ‘hese creas 9°
minimal damage -howed on actnal decresse
being almost free of yp yemen

creas the basal cells often showed increased pig-

There were many outward epidermal
xcrescences covered by thickened stratum corpunt sal loosely laminated (Plate 25). which

probably accounted for the “orange-peel” apIn almost
marine of the skin noted grossly
ii anstances the basal laver was intact withlite «ro disorganization. There were a few
eattered areas in which oceasional epithelial

eils with pyknotic nuclei and perinuclear cyto-

plasmic halos occurred in the malpighian layers

Plate “6)
There were occasional arcades in
shia the epidermis and particularly the

sratum granulosum appeared to be widened.


Phese cecurred primarily in relation to con- yuous swent gland cluets where the latter pene-

edema in some vases were noted
© upillaans
loops were often ind-stinet and when tscest

xeraosis and amorphous debris was stil present

Dermix, Changes

3 the dermis


fined largely te the pars papular ane super
ficial pars reticular. Plates views
tble they frequent!y were issocinted



increased number oof
The endo
thelial cells showed swerling and were pols ce

dermis showed greates: dlimage whien vere
associated with perivascular ymphoevtic 1
Chromatcohores, tiled wath mer
nin were prominent on othe supertierd cbermas
The fine elastic t brizs unning mte tae pars paps

illaris were often aiterec or absent
Little if any damage was seen berow
superficial pars reticularis The hair foul res


iastances devout

.A narrow zone of para-

etween the stratum granulosum and the loosely




The stratum

‘hae un War not apparent,

nal in shape.
Telang ectetie
changes vere
noted in these ireas vere the overly ng ep

were narrow ard

rated tae epidermis.


shafts in this region.
Pouert was some celace
ectasis of the sap duces vid slight nmionen
clear cell unfiltr wien
some of the large eras
tie fibers in thas reap
Lewed slrrht vet

Dermix, The capillary joops in the dermal
oaprilae were not uniformly distinct. Peri-

vtes remained in increased number but fewer

winphorytes were present.

(renerally, there

vasa slight telangiectasis of the capillaries in

ne pars papillaris and the superficial pars rewularts i Plate 27).

There was some edema

f the oars papillaris (Plate 25).


Sigment-lnden chromatophores were irregularly
istributed in the papillary layer (Plate 26).
bn some cases hair shafts in the superficial pars
hotieala dus were narrow or absent: 'n others the

wirshafts appeared normal.

Small hair fol-

hes Plate zip and sweat ducts mm some cases
‘eowed nid acrephy.

Select target paragraph3