

Wen THe Exposes groups were first seen at

Kwajalein after evacuation from their native
atolls. the amount of radiation they liad. re

ceived was not known wth certamty

It was



epilation. granuloevtopenia and
The skin lesions were first
reerved between the i2th and 14th post-exposare days. These lesions were most prevalent
Hh Onbocs topenia.

known, however, from. nstrument readings
taken at the sites of "he farlont and from: moni
toring all individuals, that a significant amount
of penetrating irradiation to the entire bods
had been received and that extensive contamina

»orroups [und (1 but were present to a slight
extent oa Crroup TET. Details of the skin svmp-

tion of radioactive materiais nad occurred. “Che

levree developed i many individuals of Groups

evaluation of dosage isee ntroduction). Even
if the precise dose nad heen known it would

lnrapeutic neasares for potential sequelae of
hese cellular deficiencies,
5 view of the conflicting opinions about the
ane of prophylactic and therapeutic measures
ah as antibiotics and whole blood transfusions

tion of the skin and possible mrernal deposi

nature of the irradiating matertal and the cir
cumstances of exposure orevented i. prec se

not have been possible ro predict the viological
effects since the quantitative response of man

isnot known. According!y, x complete medical
history and physical examination Was obtained
on each individual and sumerous follow ay
examinations were carried out. In addition,
routine sick-cail was hele twice daily and on
spection of the skin ef ail ndividuals was made
aut frequent intervals.

Medical care was avail

able at all times. Hospira facilities were avail
able at the Kwajalein Nava Dspensary, and

support by the more »xtensive snedical facriities
of the TS. Pacific Fleer had seen oromised

if needed.
From description: of the umount of faliou'

material and from radioa rivity measurements
it was apparent that Crroup | Rongelapy bad

received the highest doses of radiation, Group
IT (.Ailinginae) ane Grreup T1f > Americans

in intermediate amount and Croup TY i Ue mk
the least. From physical sios:metry re waslater
estimated that Group I } ad reeerved approX

mately 175 r of gamma radiation: Crroup 1,

69 rz Group TIT. Ts round Group iV. ier
The most serious clinieai tnd Jaboratery nia i

festations of irradiation appeared on Group
and TT. The only apnormal tres that could be
attributed with certat cy


re adertion



and desions and their treatment are re-

jocted at Chapter 3. Details of hematologic
tidies are presented in Chapter TV. Granuoostopera ind thromboevtopenia of marked

ind TE and was of sufficient severity to warait serigus consideration of prophylactic and

che treatment of radiation disease (1-5), it

vas ctecided that therapy would be instituted

ois indteated clinically for specific condi-

lois as they arose. In order to determine the
effect of che internal deposition of radioactive
natemadon the course of the externally induced

acdation onyursy, if Was necessary to determine

he aegree cf internal radioactive contamina10,
Detans of the measurement of internal
lepos,. tion of radionuclides are considered in

peter "

opftrc bert on


It is sutficient to state here that the
from the internally deposited






rs ore runt


Symptoms and Signs Related to
Radiation Injury

sh opkaAr Syoproms Tirvr developed during the
ist reve days could be attributed to radiation.
Phose svniptoms were associated with the skin
rot fhe @ostrommfestinal tract,
tehing ard barning of the skin occurred in

oof Croup |

Rongelapo, 20 percent

Select target paragraph3