1000 - Last C-47 departs for Eniwetok.
1030 - Curtiss departs CHARLIE area to position off NAN.
CHARILE security detachment departs.

1100 - Ainsworth, Bizroko and Estes depart TARE area to

position off NAN.

1200 - Personnel evacuetion complete on 211 Bikini

Islands except NAN and skeleton TU-4 and TU-1 teams on


1300 - J-1 reports personnel accounted for.
Arming team secures Station 70 board and departs via
helicopter to zero point, stopping at signci stations

as required, to chccz and lock stations.

Personnel transfers from ship to ship and from NAN to

1400 - Arming tean arrives.
1415 - Remaining TU-4 and TU-1 teans departs vie helicopter to WAN.

1430-1545 - Pornission te perform nuclear insertion and
arm given to CTU-6 by CTG 7.1.
1630 - arming team departs shot island vie helicopter.
1830 ~ Final personnel transfers from NAN and fror. ship
to ship complcted.

1900 - All ships clear Bikini Lagoon.
Zero time will be announced at a later date.

Sunrise -30 ninutes)



BRAVC rccovery priorities will be published with the
of Events Check list.

6. BRAVO Day - Re-entry - With an optinistic radiological
situation the following re-entry plan will apply. In any event
this TG and supporting elenents of other Task Groups will be
prepared to rc-enter in the sequence listed.

At approximately ER/.VO plus 5 hours (1)

7.5 camp support person:.cl including generctor

operators, mess personnel, ncarine dep't, helicopter dispatchers,
and security dctachment will re-enter TARE and NAN.

Select target paragraph3