




TARE-reduced in so far as abcess neterials,

Estimated 7.1 population on morning of B-1° is

Regular kitchen operation through breakfast B-l.

Px, bar,

and barber shop will closo ond of day B-3.
Camp prepared "for
re-opening B day.
Vehicles necessary for re-occupation will remain.
There will be e movie night of Be2.
NANeno reduction in facility installations.
Estinated 7.1 population on morning of B-l is 44. Regular
kitchen operation through breakfast EP-l.
Lunechcs will be prepered for approxinately 50, 7.1 personnel.
Arrangements will be
made for evening ncal Bel and 211 meals on B deyfor personnel

remaining on NAN (approx 7).

PX, ber, and barber shop will

close ond of day Be3.
Camp prcopered for re-opening B dav.
Vehicles necessary for re-occupetion will remain.
There will be
a movie night of Be2.
c. Evacuation Check List - this check list will control
the noverient of 7.1 equipnont end matericl and cronologically
list events of ell 7.1 activities.
It will includ: the novenent of vchicles and treilers.
J-3 will coordinate tho entrics

with J-6 which involvo support lebor end/or equipment.

Jtister - Muster is a staff responsibility of J-l.

A sight nustcr of the entire Task Group on both atolls will be

conductcd begirning at 1800 heurs on Edk-2 and Be2 dzys by the
J-i Star? Section. Personnel of the Task Group will be assigned
to muster grouns in accordance with Task Unit or Progran affiljation: luster Officer of each master group will be thoroughly
indcetrinated by J-l with muster procedurcs and will advise
individvuls cf their responsibilities.

BRAVO - Be2 days.
Shi »)
ocations - Curtiss off CHARLIE, CVE off TaARz,
fin sworth off TARE, Estes off TARE LSD as required
by ore.7, 3.

“£11 personnel not actually required at stations nove
aboard assignec ships.
Timing Signal run at 1000.

Last Timing Signal run at 1500.

BRAVO - Bel day.
Ships - initial locations - Curtiss off CHARLIE, CVE
off TARE, Ainsworth off TARE Estes off TARE, LSD as
required by CTG7.3.




Select target paragraph3