aajust tne basic quantities and units as demanded by this ditterent TVnis deciston predates Jjiscipline. munoclunal and the finding that most human tuuors are The use of thus presuaably single cell in origin. ubsorbed dose also became standard practice with studies using "Simple ceil” Here a defined cell population can be preparations. “system” to which an “organ dose” However, encountered. can be applied, while a uunber of the these problems will be detalled initial objective is simply to the difficulties associated witn this cuncepts and quantities apprupriate concepts. the serious concentunal and operational ditticulties were this communication, reason for regarded as A new approach application are to for HLE, later in indicate the attempe to use basic the old for LLE that requires Ph the evaluation of risk from LLE, and its then presented, following which tne method of application is described. This is folluved by a more cetailed and technical description of the underlying concepts and methodologies. A more derafled critique of the presently used “dosimetric” system Is then given. The principal pointe of alter the estimates of the proposed approach is aut necessarily to the risk of exposure as derived using present methodologies, althougl such 4 result is probable. that the present Md framework cast Rather, it is to show in which LLE risk assessment is presently ks conceptually inappropriate and misleading, and should be replaced by one appropriate for Ph. that stated, and then later demonstrated. This the absorbed dose PD to an organ can be shown to be proportional and a. dependent parameter for comprising the elements of parameter particle fluence. the quantity exposure of That is to, the cell population the organ system, expressihle in terms of {ts to say, U is proportional to the the number of primary particles per untt area, which is a descriptor of the radiation source, and of the radiation field in which the cell populution of an organ or other cell population of typical organ dose-celi shown on interest Ls exposed. response curves shown in Fig. l, Thus, in the the absorbed dose the abscissa should be regarded conceptually alchough not numerically, as the exposure expressed in tecms of particle fluence, ~206- ae an e will act this point simply be to LLE risk evaluation to or In, Be Ot icy, anePe to the need For a new approach SE aha ant A fact central the New Approach Game o, The Problem and 4n¢ Phy Che Phys ; Cumor Say, Charac One my