The two views were eventually resolved, but only after meating of the ICRU in 1928 (1). x-radiation was defined as the second At this vathering the “quantity” of the Roentgen, equal, with additional detatled est in the specifications, 1 ubiquitous seems evident that the word “quautity” was meane to be interpreted in the to one electrostatic unit of charge in one ce of air. ic agent a physical sense, i.%., as a measure of the field or source strength. in the rea However, due in part tu ambiguity among the words “amount”, Lt “quantity”, and “dose", and in part to the fact that air and tissue lave close tw the sate cine (Md) - electron density, sure (LLE) ‘0 equal-, or proportional to the physician's “amount”, i.e., dose. he gpeget de 8 ? (Ph)5 tne TRY ber unit mass, as time endursed this preemptive move, the "rep" and then the the unit of absorbed dose. exposure, with the Roentgen as 3) theme was the unit, was rad, as evidenced by with dimensions of energy However, retained. the quantity With improved {astrumentation and the use of phantoms for measurement in depth, se necessitating the use of red bY thos¢ principal this system has continued to work well for HLE, even when high-LET radlations, the cation of The ICRU in the later aduption of wa opt, SPs ae "dose", and defined PY i a tumor: Thus almost immediately the Roentgen was widely described as the unit of x-ray agiSEBS mary pjects ing © ». put me an the physicist's “quantity” of radiation was approximately the concept of relative biolo,leal effectiveness (RBE), were introduced into the radiotherapy of tumors. h The basic principle involved in the above described controversy can be the probability ge, ot whic stated as follows: For a physician (or anyoue) to estimate ry (Lees an of a serious of lethal consequence of stochastic agent traasfer, preferred aggentially is an evaluation of the severity of injury sustained by the casualty. able Backing this, aa estimate of the dose of the offending agent is the next t consider fall-back position. is 5 WL Cy of quantity wa ine & That that relates to what is happeniug in the individual of conceru, be that 1a per unit . individual an organ or a cell. fiow from " te Low~Level Radiation Exposure anetey flvenss’ It was observed quite early that cancer could result from HLE. ician ve dowever, only much later was it widely appreciated that the "single ther © cell-origzinating” ertfects, ythema B n er to say, Exposure is of little-or no help in this regard. needed for prognosis evaluation is an object-orlented quantity 3 rime spent in a cancer and heritable effects, must also he taken seriously, even at very low doses, or laryer doses at very low dose tates, 1,e., following LLE. It was also apparent that the basic phenomena involved fell into the category of Ph, particularly its subdisciplines of epidemiolovy and accident statistics. However, no effort was made to 4meter ° ~205- 5012961 f