nat as in which z is a single energy deposition the (TCV) of -yputtous the cell, t.e., hit and exposed cells, number of the “cell dose"; respectively, in the Ny and Np are and F is receiving an energy deposit during exposure E, tion target-containing volume the the number of probability of 4 cell TCV equal numerically to Ny/ Np shaped However, tt is well known from physics thac, oilp onse 45 4 F = Or iLtiplied by = 27, (2) c r quanticative in which 0 is the field strength measured as fluence race (units of ced endpolntss particles em72 tt), which expresses sure enat wiht energy-conveying charged particles; tp is the expnsure time; 4 is fluence to which the total exposure is numerically equal; and ally is much “cross section”, or constant of proportionality. simply @ to the the is the Thus, substituting in Eq. (1), from Eq. (2), isk tiwt 4 D also, with ntal = 207, (3) in which z = k because, with stochastic energy deposition, and LLE, the expectation value of the mean cell dose is invariant with exposure. Eq. (1) confirms that stated above, namely that D to the organ system ze been put at of the rate of exposure (of cells) ts not a dose to the cell, and that {ts equivalent is required for the the level of Diological organization, the cell, that is appropriate to the “late single-cell initiated effects” of LLE, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. ements » it is sorbed dose tO: syste. This population, D conceptually becomes the exposure of the cell to which Ry/Ne is proportional, that is to say, “object-orlented quantity” Nase, as seen in Eq. (3), is proportional to the primary independent “field-oriented” varlable the exposure E, for which 6 can be used as a parameter. | With D becoming $ conceptually, a rational basis -\ -- Sy Je E sT*, the “linear-non-threshold” relationship is provided. for tie Although frou toxicvlogical priaciples a purported linear relationship between dose and the probability of a quantal response tends to defy credulity, such a relationship between exposure E and the number of (stochastically) dosed individuals, or of those showing a quantal response is quite reasonable. -211- 501241