Record - 14

“DIALOS File 103:
ERA-OF 025070, EDB-84:076367
Relationship between plutcnium activity densities cf aic-borne and
Survace soils
Author: Sehmel, G.A.
affiliation: Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WA
Scurce: Heaith Phys. (Unitec Kingdom)
vy 45:6.

Date: Dec 1993

1047-1050 p.,

Coden: ALTFA

Contract Na,: ACO&-76RL01830

Document Type: Journal Article

Language: English

Journal Announcemesrt: EDB8405



(Energy Research Abstracts).

Werk Location: United States
Atbetrect: The purpose here is to summarize data for plutenium as a
pellutant co. airborne and surface soils, if beth are available at stucy
sites, and to examine tre date for relatiorships between plutonium
zencentrations on airberne seils and cn surface soils near the airberne
particulate samplirg cites. In practice, surface ¢scil samples ere actually
Sril semples taken tc a sampling depth. Only deta fer sites wili be
Summarizes for which the plutonium concentrations on beth airborne and
surfar2 soils have been investigatec. These sites include the Bikini Atell,
tre Hanfeed Site, ard Facky Flats.

Fecerd - 15




Sete: Mee i¢82


tion for power gereretien in U.S. territories a7 the
authors: Berg, I.Y,
effiliaticn: Lawrence Livermore Naticnal Laberatery, Livernoare, CA
Source: Energy (Ox terd) (Jnited EKirgdean)
v Fell.

372-895 p.

Loder: ENEVD
Decument Types Journal Article
Latguage: English
Fournal Announcement: ERAS312



(Energy Research Abstracts).

Work Location: United States
Abstract: General considerations relating to the use of coal in U.S.
territeries and trust territories of the Pacific suggest that ccal is a
viable option fer power generation. Future coal supplies, principally from
Australia and the west coast of America, promise to be more than adequate.
except for Guam, with peak power requirements on the order of 175 MW /SUB
ef , most territories have current, albeit inadequate, installations of
1-25 MW /SUB e/ . Turnkey, conventional-ccel-fired, electrical-power
g2nerating systems are available in that size range. Fluidized bed
cempustion is anather aptien currently beiag commercialized. Its use has
cletr enviroamantal edvantages end a variety of fuels (€.g. coal, heavy
cile, biomass, etc.) may be employed withcut interruption of power
geveration. U.S. environmental laws, such as the Clean Air Act, are now


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