York University Departments of Bisleey and Environmental Medicine visited
the atzll and rallected water, plankton and beach ceral samples te etudy
the distribution of foraminifera among the islands ef Enewetak and cther
yearby atclie. Of the specimens collected, 22 samples of beach materiel

fron the nighly contaminated northern islands of Enewetak remained intact

and were available fer study. Q@nalyses of the radionuclide concentrations
of these samples have previded interesting information regarding the levels
af contamination that existed on Enewetak at that time.
Record - ii
“DIALOG File 103:
EDE-85 : 068963
Titles Gir-to-sea fluxes of lipids at enewetak atoll
Peltzer, E.T.3 Alford, J.H.3
Leder, T.
Hole OQOceancgraphic
Institution, Massachusetts
Seurce: J. Geophys. Fee. (United States)
vy COsD1,

Dater co Feb 1985

24699-2424 9,

Coder: IGREA
Cocumant Type: Journal 4érticie

Language: English

Journal Anrncuncement: INSStat
(US &tomirndex input)
“ork Location: Lrited States
Abstract: We report data for the Enewetak site ef the SEAREX orsoram from
ny season in 1777, The concentrations af n-alkanes, n-alkanzis,
i¢, wralkarcic acids anc their saite, and tetal craganic compcundse in
waip are -ecsurted, es well e¢ the arparent gasecus nydraocarbhon
concentraticrs. Trese cata and information on the particulate forms are
ATBINZES in coajumction with antillary chemicel ard meteralcgical data tz
cra. inferences about scurces, fluxes, and chemical steciations. While the
Figrer molecular veicht lipid biomarker camponents are exclusively
fecyeetrial, the orosnic carson in rain may be derivec from atmeepheric
trrangformaticcs of tarrestrisi cerbon. Distinctively marine compenerts are
needy acesent. Cemperisen cf the scavenging ratios of the crganic
cifosaents in rain vs. those fer clays reveals that the zlkanaic acids end
the tigher melecctlar weight alkanols sebave ae etsentially particulate
meteriais, wharaas lower alkano:s and mest hydrecarbens shew much higher
scavenging ratios, prebably due te the involvement of a gasecus phase or
sanplirg artifact. Vaperization in the atmosphere and scaveging cf a gas
phase would iead te higher ecaveging ratios; vapcrization during sampling
would give low aeresal concentrations and high gas-phase concentrations,

leacing te high scavening ratios. The major fluxes at Enewetak result from

r2in rather than dry deposition, and extrapolating the measured values toa
meaningful annual averages requires acjustment for seasonally varying
source intensity and rain dynamics. Aeresol data for ather seasons and
ether substances are used te correct for scurce-strength intensity
verietionz, and a /sup 219/Pb/arganic compound cerrelaticn is established
and extrapclated to adjust fer rainfali volume effects.
Record - le


Select target paragraph3