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The purpose of the Committee was to receive and assemble in appropriate
and useful form, radiological information furnished by states, members
of the United Nations or from members of specialized agencies.
The Committce would make annual progresss reports and develop by
July 1, 1958, or earlier, if the assembled facts warrant,a summaryd
the reports received on radiation levels and radiation effects on
man and his environment,

Mr. Brown commented at this point to say that he was sure that
Dr, Dunham had not secn it, but that Chairman Strauss had received
a letter from the U.S. Delegation to the United Nations highly
commending the person that ABC had sent to the United Nations to
assist in this work and lays the fact that the charter of the committee
is more reasonable in scope and sound in technical content through the
contributions of this person.
Dr, Dunham thanked Mr. Brown.

In connection with the discussion on the "Resolution," Dr, Failla
suggested that the resources of the International Committec on Radiation Protection should be utilized in correlating the material.

Dr. Shilling told of the threc day meeting of the Military Surgeons
held in Scptember at which they voted to welcome the AEC as part of
the group.

Official action will be taken on this matter at a later


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