-15 -

That entire program was devoted to medical aspects of disaster
problems, hancling mass casualties, atomic mecicine, radiation
_injuries, ete.

The Comnittce was pleased to learn that the report

of the Joint Commission to Investigate the Effects of the Atomic
Bomb in Japan anc as edited by Dr, Ashley Oughterson of Yale University has gone to press,
Dr, Dunham tola the Committce tiat oxyecn 17 is now available in

reasonable pure form in Russia anc Isarcl.

He considered it to be

a terribly irpcrtent development anc more information may be obtained
about it from the University of California at Berkelcy.

Dr, Dunham bricfly mentioned the McKinney Panel and

of the material that had been prepared by Dr. Western and Dr. Pcarson
for certain of the conferences,

He said that the group had been

established by the Joint Comittee of Atomic Energy with the mission
of looking 25 years ahead to the impact of peaceful uses of atomic
Note: A copy of the full report was mailed to each member - February 3,1956

A brief discussion was held on the problems of staffing
the Branches of the Division.

Dr. Dunham spoke of

the welcome additions to the staff in the Mcdical Branch.

Land Grant College

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Lansing, Michigan.

Dr. Pcarson said that he had attended the Land
Grant College meetings which were held at Hast
He spoke of a paper that had becn prepared by

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