
Dr. Dunham expressed gratitude to Dr, Shilling for arranging the
review of the research program,
The meeting was recessed at 5:15 P,M. to be reconvened on Thursday,

December 1, 1955, at 9:00 A.M,

The mcoting wes rcconvened by the Chairman with all members present
at 9:00 A.M,

Current Activities of

The Chairman asked Dr, Dunham to open the

and Medicine
ee a

morning session by reporting on the current

ivision of


activitics of the Division.

Dr. Dunham opened his remarks by speak-

ing of the Tripartite Conference which was jointly held in Washington
under the auspices of the Department of Defense with ARC participation,
with poople from Canada and the United Kingdom.

He stated that this

conference was set up under the new Act and it was developed between
the military groups in England and the Department of Defense.
Dr, Dunham spoke of another important activity in which he participated
which was the passage of the United Nations Resolution entitled "The
Effects of Atomic Radiation."
Mr. Lodge.

The Resolution had been introduced by

He told of a scientific committec that was to be estab-

lished undcr the Resolution that would have representation from 15
countries, including Japan which is not a member of the United Nations.

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