W. J. Bair
June 1 8, 1979
Page 5



Lines 10-25

Additional details on Analytical Procedures and External
Gamma Measurements should be given even though other
other references cover these topics in detail.



p. 5

Last 2 lines
p. 6, Line 13

Who specifically is preparing the report and when will
it be available?
What does “we have developed concentration ratios" mean?
I prefer “estimated” or "approximated" rather than


p. 6
Lines 19,20

We are not told whether equal weight is given to each 5 cm
increment down to 40 cm to estimate concentration


This type of detailed information is needed for

this Advisory Group to evaluate LLL's work.

It could be

provided in the text or in an appendix.

p. 6 and

Table j

(p. 23)

Are these average doses?

If so, what average, the mean or

How many readings were taken per island?

precise are these averages?
about each number?


What is the standard error

Are they justified in reporting

3 significant figures?

The average of the 4 quadrants on

Engebi doesn't equal the island average.

Should they?

How were the results for the southern islands determined?


p. 6

Lines 1-3

15. - p. 6
Lines 12-20,
Table 2

No 24q a, data are given.

Table 2 is incomplete.

Why not?

They should at least indicate the

number of hard data used to estimate each ratio and provide
an estimate of each ratios standard error even though it
may only be approximate.


p. 6 Line 6

from bottom

The assumption is made that ratios do not depend on soil
concentration level, island, or time.

explicitly stated and justified.

op. 7 Line 4

from bottom

This should be


Bennett's model is not used to correlate Sr-90 in diet with
that in bone.

That is, Enewetak’s data (observations) are no

available on both variables for which a correlation coefficie
can be computed.

Bennett's model is a way of approximating

Select target paragraph3