W. od. Bair

June 18, 1979
Page 6

or estimating Sr-90 in bone from that in diet.
concept of correlation is not involved.

The statistical

I suggest the authors

do not use the word “correlate” since bone data are not availab


p. 8
Ys t paragraph

This paragraph needs to be rewritten.

Why is Bennett's

model thought to best reflect Sr-90 concentrations in bone
at Enewetak?

What alternative models are there to choose

Bennett's model was developed and fit to Sr-90

concentrations in diet and in mineral bone as determined
from autopsy samples.

However, this paragraph reads as if

output from the model calculations somehow involve autopsies.

Also, Bennett's model will use estimated not actual diet
information for Enewetak application.




Last 4 lines

The authors should explain more fully why Martin and Bloom's

model, which lumps "the upper two long term compartments
into one,” is acceptable for Enewetak application.

Why is

the difference between the ICRP and Martin and Bloom's model

not significant?



8, Line 4

What information is available on AMAD.

When was an AMAD

of 0.5 used?

Pp. 9
Lines 11-14

Why were 15% and 85% chosen as the short and Jong term intake
parameters for the two compartment Cs-137 model?

Cs is

probably the single most important radioisotope on Enewetak.
Yet, the authors give only 2 or 3 lines to describing model


p. 10, Line 5

What is meant by the phrase “Engebi is the limiting living

from botton

pattern of those evaluated"?

p. a


emphasized above the description of the diet survey

results and the methodology of the diet survey are completel)

The sample questionnaire displayed in Figure 2

leads me to question the validity of the survey results.
For example, what was the definition of "normal" and
"famine" conditions applied to the Enewetak people?


Select target paragraph3