2 April


- Utirik I.

0645-0830 -

Nelson Younes, (engineer, LCU-26)

and on reef at the north end of Utirik Island.

and Nelson fished in lagoon

Four vellowtail mullet were

taken in the laroon.
Nelson also obtained sediment samples at the north end of
the island and at the boat landine.
Both samnles were from the lagoon in 3-4
feet of water.
Nelson also collected aleae at the boat landing.
A soil sample

was taken from the taro patch behind Henos’ house in the village.
1400 ~ Departed Utirik Island.
1590 - Cleared pass.
3 April (Cilednesdav)

1200 - Off Rongerik Atoll.

Rongelap Atoll cannot be seen.

18090 - Entered south pass into Rongelap lagoon.


Old weather tower gone from

1900 - Landed at Rongelap Island.

4 April (Thursday) ~ Rongelap I.
AM - Council meeting.

Dr. Conard introduced zroup to the Rongelap peonle

and explained the examinations and studies to he conducted.

The people asked

many questions ahout radiation in food and about whether thev vould receive any
money as compensation for travel to Majuro or Ebeye for medical exams.

PM - Ash began filtering water from a cistern and a well.

treenhouse and

Nelson, helped by Bolden (son of Nik), collected fruit and leaves from Pandanus,
breadfruit and coconut trees both at the east end of the main village and in the
center of the village.
Soil samples were also taken around each of the six
A copra sample was obtained for us by Bob Harrison, the Peace Corps

volunteer on Rongelap.
end of the village.

The copra was made from coconuts collected at the east

Surface soil samples were collected just off the trail leading from the
church to the ocean as follows:


Beach sand, lagoon.


200 yards into the coconut area.
At the first marked bend in the trail at about the center of the



Just behind cleared area of village under a Pandanus tree.


Seaward edge of the coconut grove about 190 yards inland from the
Beach sand, ocean side.

Scaevola, Messerschmidea, and Guettarda leaves were collected 50 yards north
ef the church to ocean trail, about 20 vards inland from the ocean.
was also taken.

A soil sample

Greenhouse and Ash also made survey meter readings in the village area

(1-2 uR/hr).

Select target paragraph3