Utirik - Rongelap ~ Bikini
Environmental Sampling

March-April 1974

Vic Nelson ~ Laboratory of Radiation Ecology
Nat Greenhouse and Joe Ash - Brookhaven, Health Phvsics Division
The above personnel conducted an environmental sampling prorram in
conjunction with the redical team making the annual AEC-sponsored
medical survev in the Marshall Islands.
The 17~member medical

team was led by Dr. Robert Conard (BNL).

Mr. William Streenan

(AEC, Hono) and Mr. John Rosario (staff, Congress of Micronesia)
also were present.


The purnose of the environmental sampling was:

(1) to familiarize

the body burden data from the medical st: fies.

The environmental

Nat Greenhouse and Joe Ash with various aspects and problems of
workine and sampling in an atol} environment and (2) to conduct a
limited sampling procran desipned to provide data to correlate with
sampling program was limited, since this program will not be

funded until fiscal year 1974-75.

26 March (Tuesdav) - Vic Nelson took the 0939 flight from Seattle to Honolulu.

27 March (Wednesdav) ~ Vie Nelson took the 0800 MAC flight from Honolulu to

In Kwajalein he was met by John Stewart and Bill Streenan (AFC) and

Harry Hauck (Global Assoc.).

flown to Kwaj. on Monday.

Later, he met Nat Greenhouse and Joe Ash who had

28 March (Thursday) - Packed and loaded gear on LCU.

29 March




LCU departed Kwaj for Utirik (200 miles).

30 March (Sat.) - Enroute to Utirik.
31 March (Sun.) - 0845.

At 1200 we were NW of Likiep Atoll.

Through pass into Utirik Lagoon.

1100 ~ Landed at village on Utirik Island.

The LCU grounded

about 30 yards out from the beach, due to the shallowness of the water. It was
thus necessarv to ferry men and equipment back and forth in a rubber raft
supplied by John Philips of the LCU crew.
Afternoon -

LCU unloaded, after which Nelson, Greenhouse, and Ash

made a tour of the island,

(< luR/hr)

during which some survey meter readings were


and a few rat traps were set.

1 April (Monday) - Utirik I.

Greenhouse and Nelson collected leaves and fruit

from breadfruit, pandanus and coconut trees.
Surface soil samples (1'" deep x
3.5" diameter) were alsc collected around the base of each sampled tree. Ash
filtered water from a well in the village.
and two kuhlia,

Nelson also collected two poatfish

Select target paragraph3