5 April(Fridav) - Rongelap I.
AM - Greenhouse, Nelson, Streenan, Maudrik (seaman, LCU-26) and Bolden
went to Jabwon (west end of Ronrelap I).
Greenhouse and Bolden collected

Pandanus, breadfruit, coconut and soil samples near the house of Bolden's prandfather, Alex.

The others collected poatfish and convict surgeon.

readiness were taken from Jabwon to Rongelap Village on the way back


PM - Launched 17'

Survey meter

( 3 uR/hr

Boston Whaler.

6 April(Saturday) - Eniaetok I.
0830 - Nelson, Greenhouse and Kosanp (X-ray tech., Trust Terrirotv) went to

Eniaetok Island on the Roston Whaler.


The 10-mile trip took 25 minutes dn calm

On Eniaetok we collected Pandanus and coconut fruit and leaves from trees

just north of the buildines with the bell on the front door.
Breadfruit leaves
were talen by house on the trail to the ocean near the north end of the island.

Scaevola and Messerschitidea leaves vere also collected in the village area.

samples were taken around each tree.
Survey meter readings were taken in the
villace area and alons the trail to the beach ( 3 uB/hr averare).
A sediment
sample was taken in 119 feet of water off the north end of the island.
1200 - Left Eniaetok I. for Busch I.


Survey meter readings were made on

Busch I (3 uR/hr in the interior and <3 uR/hr on the edee of the island).
caught two coconut crabs.


7 Apri. (Sunday) - Kabelle and Gabelle I.
1000 - Nelson, Greenhouse and Jobwe left Rongelap in the Boston Whaler for
Kabelle I. on the NE corner of the atoll.
We arrived at Kabelle at 1130, after a

rough trip.


We collected coconut fronds and ntats from a tree next to the water


and Scaevola leaves were collected in the center of the

Surface soil samples were taken around all trees.

soil profile was taken near the Pandanus tree.
We causht three coconut crabs and

averaped 10 uR/hr.

An 8" (2" increments)

Jobwe shot two rails (Koak).

two Tridacna clams.

Survey meter readings

The highest reading was 20 vpR/hr near the water catchment.

A sediment sample was taken in an undisturbed area of the lagoon.in about 8 feet
of water.

1400 ~ Left Kabelle I.
1430 - Arrived Cabelle I. On Gabelle we obtained a pig for a sample, and also
took survey meter readings--highest, 10 uR/hr, average 7 uR/hr.
8 April (Monday) - Rongelap I.
Rearranged samples in freezers.
Two coconut crabs were collected for us
by Nelson Anjain (Maristrate on Rongelap) at Arbor Island.
Ue and several other
people caught about 39 coconut crabs for a feast held that night.

Select target paragraph3