and technical service operations.

Those who successfully

complete this course of instruction will be qualified for
positions as leaders of Area Survey and Technical Service

Thereafter, those interested individuals who have

demonstrated outstanding ability in the basic training vould
be given additional instruction which will qualify them to
serve not only as unit leaders, but also as local instructors,

Troainins of Personnel for Special Purpose Units.
Phe training of versonnel for Special Purpose Units would
be conducted at various colleges and universities under the
administrative direction of the Chief of the State Radiological
Defense Division,

All personnel assigned to such units would

reauire, in addition to their own special technical training

and experience, specific instruction in the more complex problems
of radiological defense,

frainine of Key Personnel.
Insofar as nossible, key administrative and technical
personnel in the radiological defense organization should be

given such advanced training in the problems of atomic warfare
as may be offered within the several branches of the National
Military Setablishment,

General Logistics Policy,

The vrocurement and supply of radiological

defense equivment and materiel is a major croblem, complicated by the fact
that it 1s currently impossible to state what specific types of special


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