
equipment are best suited for radiological defense training and operations.
In general, it may be said that the over-all equipment and materiel requirements
for radiological defense would be computed by the Office of Civil Defense;


that .rocurement oreferavly would be through a common source and in accordance
with plans and specifications Jointly agreed upon by the Office of Civil
Defense, the armed 2orces Special Yeapons Project, the armed Forces and the
Atomic Snergy Comaisston; and, finally, that supply should be in genercl

accord with the overeall civil defense logistics plan,
In the state organization, responsibijity both for development and
implementation of the radiological defense logistics plan and for technical
supervision of logistics operations would rest with the Assistent for Logistics.
He would aot in accordance with the general provisions of the over-all civil

defense logictics plan promulgated at the national level,

Within local

orgenizations, corresponding responsibility would rest with the Radiological
Defense Logistics Officer,

He too must act in strict accordance with aational

Tyves of Zquipment Reauired for Local Onerations.

The principal types

of radiological defense equipment required for Local operations are3

Survey Meters,

These instruments (ionization chambers and

Geiger counters) are utilized for the purpose of detecting
and measuring ionizing radiations,


These instruments (primarily special purpose

electroscopes) are utilized to record total periodic exposure

of personnel to Llonizing radiations.

Plotting and Charting Equipment.

This includes area maps,

grid charts and all other items of equipment used for


Select target paragraph3