
This training must be characterized by the highest »ossible degree of
uniformity and atandardization

and must be closely integrated with related

courses of instruction in the National Military Establishment,


since the development of radiological defense personnel fully qualified to
perform their respective duties requires appreciable time, immediate peacetine
inauguration of an approved training program is imperative,

Its initiation

cannot be postponed until the moment of attack,
In addition to the technical training of radiological defense personnel,
it 1s necessary to orient all other members of the Civil Defense organization
with respect to the specific radiological problems which they are likely to
encounter in performance of their assigned duties,
Specific Training Procedures,

In order to obtain the high degree of

proficiency required for effective radiological defense, it is essential that
the following training orocedures be adhered to at the several levels of

local Training,
Training in the local organizations must be directed
primarily toward the development of maximum individual oroficiency in area survey and technical service operations,


would consist largely of instruction and practice in the

techniques of detecting and measuring ionizing radiations,
plus detailed discussion and analysis of the specific problems
likely to be encounteréd in verformance of their duties,

Selected teachers of physics and related sciences from the
secondary schools would be given extensive basic training
in radiological defense at various colleges and universities
stressing the practical techniques employed in area survey

Select target paragraph3