
from the ranks of the teachers of physics and related sciences
in the secondary schools,
Personnel for State Organizations.
It is believed that professors of shysice and related
sciences in the various colleges and universities >rovide an

adequate source of personnel for state radiological defense
organi zations,

Personrel for National and Regional Offices..

In view of the unique prerequisites required, it is
believed necessary to draw key radiological defense personnel
for the National and Regional Offices of the organization either
’ from the faculties of various colleges and universities or from
those versons >crivately engaged in pertinent professional pursuits,

General Training Requirements,

In the main, all radiological defense

personnel require not only technical training and practical experience in

physics or some closely related science, but also specific instruction and
practice in the special techniques of detecting and measuring ionizing radiations,
It is highly desirable that key administrative personnel possess, in addition

to the technical background just mentioned, military experience in problems
pertaining to atomic warfare,
All technical training of radiological defense personnel shouldbe
conducted under the technical direction and supervision of the Chief of the
Radiological Defense Division, Office of Civil Defense and in accordance with

a specific program approved by the Advisory Committee on Radiological Defense,


Select target paragraph3