so organized and trained that they not only can serve as replacements for
other units, but also can operate either as units, or as individuals
performing unit functions,

In other words, Area Survey and Technical Service

Units must be capable of performing either survey or service functions as
May be assigned, while all personnel comprising such teams must be capaole

of functioning as units, part-units or individuals,

General Personnel Requirements.

In the procurement of personnel for the

Yadiological defense organization, all thought and action must be directed
toward employment of individuals possessing the highest possible qualifications,
particularly pertinent ability, training and experience,
Personnel prerequisites for various »ositions within the Radiological

Defense Divisions differ widely,

In some cases, the requircments call for

extensive technical or scientific training and experience, but only limited
administrative ability,

In others, the reverse holds true,

Between these

two extremes there are many demanding a balanced combination of qualifications,
It is of utmost importance that the duties of each particular grade or
position be clearly set forth and that minimum qualification standards for
them be not only established, but rigidly adhered to in filling all positions
within the radiological defense organization.
Sources of Personnel,

In general, it should be sossible to obtain

personnel for the Radiological Defense Divisions from the following sources?

Personnel for Local Organizations.

It is believed that a nucleus of personnel suitable
for local radiological defense organizations can be drawn


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