
They operate under technical direction of the

Radiological Defense Operstions Officer (Technical Service
Units) and under tactical direction of the individual in charge
of the operational unit to which assigned and with which they
move in operations,

They would collect and interpret that

technical information (intensity and rate of radiation) which
igs necessary to prevent overexposure of personnel whose
duties require their entry into radiologically hazardous areas,
Their primary function would be the radiological protection of
members of the various technical service operational units,
They would not normally engage in area survey operations,
Both because of the likelihood that enemy attack may come with little
or no warning and because the initial strike may be so devastating as to render
a large percentage of all members of a local Civil Defense organization

essentially "hors de combat", it is important that development of the local
radiological defense organization incorporate the following characteristics,
Pirst, reserve personnel for the four key positions (Chief, Operations
Officers and Logistics Officer) should be "at least two deep",

In other

vords, there must be for each of these nositions at least one additional
individual capable of immediately assuming the positions in the event that
the regularly desimated personnel be for any reason unavailable,


reserves should not only be fully qualified and trained, but should also be
widély dispersed insofar as their regular slaces of residence and employment

are concerned,

Only then will constant availability of necessary personnel

be reasonably assured,
Secondly, all radiological defense overational units, especially Area
Survey and Technical Service Units and the versonnel comprising them, must be


Select target paragraph3