
medicine, physics and chemistry who are also experienced in the practical
aspects of radiological defense.

Its primary mission would be to advise

the Chief of the Division in matters of over-all policy and to submit
recommendations rertaining to general operation of the Division,
In addition to the Advisory Committee, the Division should also be
served by a number of advisory sub-committees,

These so-called Task

Committees would be actual wrking groups composed of recognized authorities
in specialized scientific fields,

They would be assigned specific tasks

aimed at the solution of key problems, such as those pertaining to education
of the public, instrument standards and training methods,

Their work would

be of vital importance in the development of a sound and effective plan for
radiological defense,
Rezional Oreanization,

When Regional Offices are esteblished, each

should have a Radiclogical Defense Division primarily concerned with

inter-state coordination of operations,

It would be comprised of a Chief,

an Assistant for Plans, Operctions and Training and an Assistant for Logistics,

State Organization, (Chart


The State Radiological Defense Division

should be headed by a Chief, with an Assistant for Plans, Operations and
Training and an Assistent for Logistics,

He would be served by a State

Advisory Committee on Radiological Defense, composed of recognized authorities
in the fields of chysics, medicine and chemistry,
The only truly overctional anits within the state radiological defense
organization should ve Technical Service Units assigned to Moblie Reserve
Battalions, plus limited numbers of Special Purpose Units which would operate
under technical direction of the Chief of the state Division,

The latter

units, as ordered by the State Director for Civil Defense, would perform

Select target paragraph3