detailed technical functions requiring highly specialized knowledge and skills,

Local Orgenization., (Chart


Hach Local Radiological Defense

Division would be composed of the following members and components:

Chief, Local Hadiologicel Defense Division.

He must be

specialiy trained and fully qualified in the duties of the


He would serve as advisor to the local Director

for Civil Defense, furnishing technical information concerning
the rediolsgical aspects of civil defense.

He would be

responsible for the technical direction and coordination of
all radiological defense activities within the locality and
would advise the director in all matters relating to radiological

Padiological Defense Oper:.tions Officer (Area Survey Units).


must be specially treined and fully qualified in the duties
of the assignment,

Under technical direction of the Ghief, he

would serve as Radiological Defense Operntions Officer (area

Survey Units), furnishing technical information on the nature
and location of radiological hazards.

He would be responsible

Tor maintenance of the central or headquarters Radiological
Situation Plot and for technical direction of all rediclogical
defense area survey operations,

Radiological Defense Operations Officer (Technical Service Units),
He must be specially trained and fully qualified in the cuties
of the assignment,

Under technical direction of the Chief, he

would serve as Radiological Defense Operations Ovficer (Technical
Service Units), furnishing technical information concerning the

Select target paragraph3