
doctorate in a vhysical science or in medicine, preferably
the latter.

He should be of professorial rank, or the

equivalent, while military experience related to atomic

warfare is highl; desirable,

He should be a “career


Devuty Chief for Technical Direction,
He would serve as senior advisor in the tebhnical aspects
of radiological defense, with cognizance over all scientific
and technical matters pertaining to detection and measurement
of Llonizing radiations and standards relating thereto.


should possess outstanding ability and recognition in a field
of science basic to radiological defense,

His academic

background should include a Ph.D. or D.Sc. degree in a physical

science related to radiology.

rank, or equivalent,

He should be of professorial

He should be a “career employee".

Administrative Assistant.
He would serve as general administrative assistant to
the Chief, Radiological Defense Division and be responsible for

all administr-tive details,

He should possess both experience

and demonstrated ability in high level staff procedure,
As implementation of the over-all civil defense program progresses,
there will be required in the Radiological Defense Division four Assistant
Chiefs, one for Personnel, one for Security and Public Information, one for
Plans and Operations and one for Logistics,
The Division should be served by an Advisory Committee on Radiological
Defense, composed of five nationally recognized authorities in the fields of


Select target paragraph3