
are capable of comparatively rapid expansion and coordination,
In organizing for radiological defense, the following facts must
constantly be borne in mind:

Practically all actual defensive operations would be per‘ormed oy Area
Survey and Technical Servite Units within local organizations,
The operntional activities carried out by State units would be linited,

but highly technical in nature,
fhe functions of the national organization would be largely concerned
with’ development of sound training and operational plane and maintenance

of tight technical direction of activities,
Responsibilities within the regional offices wuld be those of inter~
state coordination,

National Organization (Chart


In addition to promulgation of sound

training and operational plans, the Radiological Defense Division of the
Office of Civil Defense would establish policies, principles and standards
to be followed in activities of the state and local organizations,

The versonnel immediately required within the Radiological Defense
Division, includes:
Chief, Radiological Defense Division.
He would be resvonsible for over-all administration,
supervision and coordination of the radiological defense program
and for its scientific and technical application within the
civil defense program,

He should nossess outstanding ability

and national recognition in the field of radiological defense,
as well as thoroush appreciation of the scientific and technical
aspects of this hichly snrecialized field, including its medical

His academic background should include a





Select target paragraph3