LLL/EV-8 2-22


federal guidelines (1).
The apparent conflict between the
restrictions indicated by this outcome and the strong desire of the
people to resettle Bikini and Eneu Islands has created the need for
more detailed and refined assessments addressing options at both

It was also decided that prior to the end of the Trust Territory
Agreement the U.S.

should evaluate the radiological conditions of all

“of the northern Marshall Islands Atolls downwind of the Pacific
proving grounds.
The field program was conducted from September
through November 1978.
Assessing the very large body of data
produced will take the next two years.


W.L. Robison, W.A. Phillips, and C.S. Colster, Dose
Assessment at Bikini Atoll, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory,
Livermore, Calif., UCRL-51879.5 (1977).

A data bank of radionuclide concentrations developed from

continuing research and survey programs will be maintained.
data will be used in conjunction with models for predicting doses to


and whole body from l37cg,

and other selected radionuclides.
AS an example,



the latest lung model from the

239424 Pu,


Commission on Radiological Protection is used to develop dose

estimates to lung and bone via the inhalation pathway.
Whole body
13les dose calculations are based on the two-component retention
models developed by the ICRP for 137es body burdens.
The most
recent publications by Spiers, et al. (2) on 90sr distribution in
bone are used to predict bone dosesfrom 2%sr,
In addition,

information on diet and land use associated with

alternate living patterns will be developed for each atoll under
consideration to complete the dose assessments.


A Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the
Effects of Atomic Radiation to the General Assembly,
Tonizing Radiation:
Levels and Effect (United Nations, New
York, 1972) pp 50.

Select target paragraph3