


Technical Progress
Fiscal Year 1979
A preliminary reassessment of the potential doses to a population

living on Eneu and Bikini Islands was completed.
It included
evaluation of external gamma exposure using recent data obtained in
the Multi-Atoll Survey, evaluation of the terrestrial food-chain
using data recently developed from the Eneu test plots, evaluation of
the inhalation doses, and reevaluation of the marine food-chain.

Annual doses predicted for Eneu Island are less than the 500 mrem per
year federal guidance; predicted doses for Bikini Island are twice
that recommended in the guidelines when imported foods are available
and four times that recommended when imported foods are unavailable.
A complete reassessment of of the radiological situation of

Enjebi Island at Enewetak Atoll was made and will form the basis for
decisions concerning immediate and longer-range use of this major


The assessment included evaluating doses from all

exposure pathways for 90sr, 137¢cs, 239+240pu, and 24lam.

Average bone marrow and whole body doses for Enjebi Island if

imported foods are available are about half the federal guidance of
500 mrem per year; if imported foods are unavailable the predicted

doses are right at federal guidance.
patterns on other

Predicted doses for living

islands at Enewetak Atoll are less than those

predicted for Enjebi Island.
Fiscal year 1980

An assessment of the northern half of Enewetak Atoll will be
This will include evaluating alternate living patterns
uSing the northern islands and evaluating use of coconuts planted on
the northern islands.
A dose assessment of the marine pathway will be completed for 13

atolls and islands visited during the survey. Also an evaluation of
groundwater and drinking water will be completed on those atolls
where samples were obtained.
We will give top priority to processing and analyzing samples

from Bikini and Rongelap Atolls.
Data from both atolls will be
available during this year to complete the radiological dose
assessments, including all exposure pathways for all radionuclides.
The Bikini assessment will also include alternate living patterns

involving Eneu and Bikini Islands.

We will continue to develop the Marshall Islands data bank and
add new data from the ongoing environmental research projects.
part of this effort will include formatting the data base such that
data from other DOE studies in the Marshall Islands may be included

at some future time.

Select target paragraph3