

In addition, various studies have been conducted in the area by
other groups; however, no attempt has ever been made to gather all of
the available

information into one data management system where


would be readily available and accessible for assessment activities.


Each sample is assigned an ID number


in the sample processing

Using this ID as a key, two files are created.


first is a cross reference file that links the sample with
descriptive material such as soil-profile increment, species, etc.

The second file contains the analytical data from the counting

Sample data may be from other than current surveys and programs.
Published data not available on tape or cards will be key-punched and

entered into the system manually.
After files are created,

a Livermore data base system


is used

to access any desired sample information.
Data may be retrieved by
location, date, type or any combination derived from these or other
attributes stored in the cross reference file.


S.E. Jones and D.R. Rices, A_ Relational Data Base Management
System for Scientific Data, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory,
Livermore, Calif., UCRL-80769 (1978).

Technical Progress
Fiscal Year 1980

New project; program outlined to begin in 1981 could begin in
1980 if funding were available.
Fiscal Year 1981
A data bank has been developed for our continuing studies at both
Enewetak and Bikini Atolls.
In addition, the data obtained from the
Multi-~Atoll Survey is being incorporated into this data management

system. This system will serve as the basis for incorporating all
previous and future data from the Marshall Islands.
We would like to begin this year to expand and develop the
refinements in our current data management system so it can handle

all types of available Marshall Islands radiological data.
addition, we will make contact with the University of Washington,

and DOE/NVOO to organize historical data into the data

Select target paragraph3