LLL/EV-8 2-23




This is a new project.

Facility Requirements
Not applicable.


Not applicable.



The purpose of this task is to compile and store in a centralized
data bank all available radiological and related data obtained in the
Marshall Islands before, during, and after the U.S. nuclear testing


This will facilitate and expedite assessment activities

that heretofore were impossible or required inordinate efforts

compile pertinent information.



From 1947 through 1958 nuclear tests were conducted by the U.S.
at Enewetak and Bikini Atolls in the Northern Marshall Islands after
inhabitants were evacuated.
In 1969, a limited clean-up and an

initial phase of housing construction was begun at Bikini Atoll, with
some Bikini people resettled on Bikini Island.
In 1972, the Enewetak
people requested that they be allowed to return to Enewetak Atoll; a
MajOr survey and assessment program was undertaken to evaluate the

radiological consequences of such a resettlement.

conclusions were

The general

that the northern half of Enewetak Atoll was not

suitable for resettlement and that terrestrial food chains were
potentially the most critical radiological dose pathway.
In 1975, in
evaluating plans to start a second phase of housing construction on
Bikini Atoll,

it was decided to first conduct a more detailed survey

of Bikini and Eneu Islands.

The results of this survey indicated

that people residing on Bikini Atoll would receive doses exceeding

the U.S. federal guidelines (1). The apparent conflict between
recommendations dictated by these assessments and the desire of the
Bikini people to resettle Bikini and Eneu Islands point out the need
for more detailed and refined assessments of both islands.
In 1978, the decision was made that before the end of the Trust
Territory Agreement the U.S. should evaluate the radiological
conditions of all of the northern Marshall Islands Atolls downwind of
the Pacific Proving Grounds.
The field study, conducted from
September 1978 through November 1979, and subsequent analyses of
collected samples have produced the very large body of data needed
for the radiological assessments.

omnis 5016694

Select target paragraph3