LLL/EV-8 2-23


Management system. We will also establish procedures to incorporate
all current and future data from DOE-funded programs in the Marshall
Fiscal Year


The data management system will be expanded and refined, and data
from various laboratories,


etc., will be added.

also be adding data from our ongoing programs.
from this system as needed by DOE.

We will

We will supply data

Future Accomplishments

We will continue to incorporate all data obtained in the Marshall
Islands into the data bank.
This data bank will provide the
information for the radiological dose assessments that will serve as
the basis for the U.S. government (DOE, DOI, DOD) to make decisions
on resettlement options at Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, and other
atolls in the northern Marshall Islands.


Relationships to Other Projects

This program is very closely related, and in fact depends on,
other programs such as "Northern Mashall Islands Multi-Atoll


5120.2 No. LLUL/EV-82-13, "Marshall Islands Radioecology

Studies for Dose Evaluation", 5120.2 No. EV/82-46, "Biogeochemical
Cycling of TranSuranics and Other Radionuclides in the Marshall
Islands", 5120.2 No. LLUL/EV-82-35, ongoing DOE Support of the
Enewetak Radiological Clean-up Program, current programs at
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), and historical programs at the

University of Washington and at BNL.

Environmental Assessment
Not applicable.


Explanation of Milestones
Not applicable.

Select target paragraph3