DASA 2019-2


Chuck, could 1 say something relative to this’


might this be a good time to augment some of the background

that you have piven, which [think might be helpful in setting the


First let me say with respect tao Leo's comment, in

which he tacitly assuried that there was a windshift, I'm not sure of


[ believe the wird wan already changing.

This is a matter that haan't yet been documented,

it's a strange business,

twas then Director of the Health and Safety Laboratory and was
in direct communication with one of our teams stationed in the Mar.
shall Islands, The only wind information [have ever acen came in
an official dispatch, at Hl - & hours, which arrived in New York just
a few hours before shot time, From my recollection [ vould say
that it wouid not have required a wind shift to dump the fallout on
Rongelap. Unfortunately, the situation has never been documented
ina manner that would make it available to many of us who were
interested in the exact meteorological circumstances,


Sut your commenta are predicated on the only hazard

being on those two atolls,
exclusion zone,

It had nothing to to with ships out of the

That's right, yes.

For many of us, our first exposure to the possibility of massive
fallout came in 1951 with two Nevada explosions of the Jangle series,
Qae small surface explosion and one underground explosion took place
inthe fall of that year. Prior to that time the military doctrine as it
was translated ta us onthe civilian side was that there would never
be ary point in exploding bombs close enough to the ground so as to
pet fallout. they wanted to maximize blast, as was done at Eiroshima and Nagasaki.


only the arrburst needed to be considered,

Of course, obvious questions were raised,

like "Well,

suppuse one

drops to the surfece inadvertantly and expludes on the ground, what
kind of fallout are you going to get? or, ‘Why not put it on the
ground if you can make a big crater?"

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