Excuse me, Chuck,

over infinity or a week or a day”

What do you mean by 10r7

Is this

Infinity dose,
Is this a surface air beta primarily?
No, air gamma,

EISENBUD- Wasn't this up to the time of evacuation, Chuck’
think it was fifty-six hours actually.


DUNHAM: Here, yes. You're perfectly right. These are doses
up to the time uf evacuation. [I'm sorry, The 800r line is an infinity
dose, Thank you, Merril, These are es:imates of actual doses
The air-weather people at Rongerik got 50. These are external,
The dose for RNongelap was 159, and some of the Rongelap people who
were onthe small atoll fishing probably got about 75.
UPTON: Would this be whole- body or to the skin’

What sort of

DUNHAM: This is an estimate of the whole-body dose. [t's no
better than an estimate, but a great dea! has been based on this in
terms of what the human blocd response to ionizing radiation is.
As you know, there is a great deal of argument centered around
that point, which I think is not particularly germane to the discussion

Of course, on your exclusion zone, Chuck,

isn't it true

that this was related somewhat to the predicted wind direction, and
that the wind direction did change so that Rongelap reaily appeared
inthe preliminary stages to have been safer than it was because of
the wind shift?
DUNHAM. [think the following happened, The original exciusion
zone for the test site didn't include Bikini, It went about two-thirds
of the way between Eniwetowk and Bikini, When they began testing at
Bikini, they extended it beyond Bikini. tut only what looks like about
50 miles, The exclusion zone was not vig enough for what happened,

Select target paragraph3